Friday 19 February 2016

Heaven Has Another Beautiful Angel R.I.P. Heather Byrd. Survivor Glam Squad at Peter Coppola Premiere Hair Show, Orlando.


 Sadly on 30 December 2015, Survivor Glam Squad lost a dear friend, Heather Byrd. After a long battle with cancer at the age of just 24 short years her beautiful heart stopped beating. Heather's last public appearance with her mentor, Keely Webster (Bellamy) was at Peter Coppola Premiere Orlando Hair Show June 2015. Pictured on stage left Heather Byrd looking beautiful and happy, far right is Peter Coppola, hair icon.  “Survivor Glam Squad transformed Heather’s life, It gave her a purpose and she blossomed” Andrea Webster  A big thank you to Peter Coppola and his team for the work you have done. Coppola photography by Jessie Dee. The best makeup team below. From left to right – Keely Webster (Bellamy), founder of Survivor Glam Squad, Jessie Dee – Makeup Artist and Photography, Tina Nguyen – Makeup Artist, Justin Townes – Makeup Artist and Betsy Ginnane

The best makeup team! From left to right – Keely Webster (Bellamy), founder of Survivor Glam Squad, Jessie Dee – Makeup Artist and Photography, Tina Nguyen – Makeup Artist, Justin Townes – Makeup Artist and Betsy Ginnane

Tribute to Heather Byrd Written by Andrea Webster. “Survivor Glam Squad transformed Heather’s life, It gave her a purpose and she blossomed” Andrea Webster

Above is the last stunning picture of Heather Byrd by photographer Zoe Christou Welsh.
Published in Jan 2016 Beauty Launchpad (National US Hair Magazine) Page 22.
"Our model fought the battle of cancer hard and is now resting in peace" Zoe Christou Welsh.

Hairstylist Danielle Keasling, Makeup Artist, Jessica Quito, Wardrobe, Kevin Cartee, Bobby Blizzard.